Saving on a new computer is an ideal way to budget your money for the summer. Buying a new computer can be very costly. If you look at the advertisements in the newspaper you will see that the price for new brand name computers exceeds the cost of their predecessors by at least 20-40 percent. The best way to get a good deal and save some money in the process is to shop around and compare prices.
Many local department stores have nice sized electronics sections, with lots of great selections to choose from. You can browse the isles and probably find some really nice computers on sale or on clearance. Consider buying a nice off brand computer they work just as well as the major brand name ones.
Another option to consider is a nice used one. Pawn shops and rental stores have particularly new computers for sale. People will buy a new computer and several weeks and months later they pawn it or return it to the rental leasing store. You can get a computer for a good discount. Depending on the business that's selling the computer they may knock of at least one to two hundred dollars off the totally selling price.
If you just absolutely must have a new computer then you have one of two options. If you don't have the money to pay cash for your new computer then you can save up for it. That requires putting money back every payday until you have reached your goal, or putting your computer on layaway. Either way it goes you will be saving on a new computer.
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